Steps in a Dental Implant Procedure for a Missing Tooth

Dental Implants Hollywood, FL

Curious about dental implants? Read on to learn more about the dental implant procedure. If you have one or more missing teeth, then dental implants may be a way for you to replace them long-term. This review discusses the steps that are involved with a dental implant procedure for a missing tooth to help you decide whether treatment is something you wish to pursue.

What steps are involved in a dental implant procedure?

Although many people with a missing tooth can benefit greatly from a dental implant restoration, many put off treatment as they fear the procedure is too invasive or takes too long to complete. By learning more about the process, you can feel more comfortable and calm any anxieties you have before treatment begins.

Before the dental implant procedure

Some patients, particularly those who have experienced bone loss inside of their jaw, require a bone graft procedure to replace lost bone. The dentist may also want to treat periodontitis before the dental implant procedure, as well. Once the mouth is healthy and bone is replenished (if necessary), then the dental implant procedure is scheduled. If a bone graft procedure is necessary, then it can take several weeks to more than a month for the area to fully heal. Afterward, the dental implant placement procedure can be scheduled.

The use of sedation to avoid any discomfort

Sedation is typically used for the dental implant procedure to minimize any discomfort the patient experiences. The options for sedation vary. Many dental professionals recommend what is known as “conscious sedation,” which is available intravenously (IV) or via oral medication. With conscious sedation, the patient is awake during the procedure but not fully alert and should not experience much, if any, discomfort.

Accessing the jawbone and drilling a small hole

After the sedative is provided and takes effect, then the next step is to access the jawbone where the dental implant is placed. This is done by making an incision into the gums, followed by drilling a small hole. This step is the reason why the dental implant procedure is considered to be surgical.

Positioning the dental implant into the jawbone

The next step is to position the dental implant into the jawbone. This is done carefully and with precision to minimize the risk of any effects during recovery.

Dental sutures

Once the dental implant is placed, dental sutures are used to close the gums up and finish the dental implant procedure. The sutures keep the gums closed and naturally dissolve on their own within a few weeks.

Healing times and tips for recovery

It can take several weeks for the mouth to fully heal after the dental implant procedure. In addition, it takes time for the dental implant to osseointegrate with the jawbone, as well. Generally, this takes between four and six months. After osseointegration is complete, the abutment and restoration (e.g., a dental crown) are placed.

Additional information to know about dental implants

Given the more complex process of a dental implant procedure, many patients feel a sense of anxiety before the procedure. The good news, however, is that the dental implant procedure is highly effective, and the risk of needing retreatment is incredibly low.

The success rate for dental implant procedures is as high as 98%

The rate of implant failure after the procedure is estimated to be less than 2% of all cases. The five-year success rate for dental implant procedures is estimated to be around 95% for the lower jaw and around 90% for the upper jaw. This gives patients reassurance knowing that their treatment will likely go smoothly.

The expected lifespan for dental implant restorations is more than 15 years

Most patients are able to enjoy their dental implant restorations for more than 15 years without needing a more complex repair or the replacement of implants; although, the dental crown or bridge may need replacement every five to 10 years. In fact, it is not uncommon for dental implants to remain in good condition for more than 25 years, and many enjoy their dental implants for a lifetime.

Are you considering getting dental implants?

Are you ready to begin the dental implant process? If so, then call us today and schedule an initial consultation at a time that is most convenient for you. We pride ourselves on offering high-quality dental services and friendly communication throughout the process.

Request an appointment here: or call Allure Dental of Hollywood at (954) 514-9749 for an appointment in our Hollywood office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Implants in Hollywood, FL.

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